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Increase the Return Rate

Admin Best Practices 161 Views


You can help to increase the return rate / repatriation rate by checking the customer inquiries and the found items. 


Found Items

- In case you found an ID Card or something that contains possible owner information, you should enter it in the owner tab. Search for ID Cards, Passports, etc. and check the Name column

- Make sure the attribute fields are properly filled out

- Add sub-entries for valuable items → Customers often fixate ask for what is the most valuable item to them. Always work "from the outside in". First, register the container (e.g. "bag") as the "main entry". Then register every other item inside the container as a "sub-entry".
Imagine if the customer solely asks for their tablet and the device is merely mentioned in the description field of the bag. It will be far more difficult for your colleagues to produce a good!



- Filter the list of inquiries for the system status "not matched"

- Check the main- and sub-category

- Ask for more details in case no attributes where entered

- Toys like a Teddy are hard to match. Sometimes there is not enough information to match such an item automatically (no serial number, brand name, etc.). Help your little customers and their parents by filtering the inquiries for such categories and manually search your inventory for them. 


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