Every found item costs a company or organization $60 on average (work time, inquiries, storage, shipping, etc.). Modernizing the current lost and found process is therefore very desirable from both an economic and customer service perspective — and to keep the edge over your competition.

A modern Lost and Found solution has to add value on multiple fronts — for the organization as well as for its customers — and go beyond simple online forms. Two very important cornerstones to ensure success are automated administration and the possibility of self-management, but also to embed the new Lost and Found system into the day-to-day process.

The chance to improve suboptimal and outdated processes with a modern online Lost and Found system

Modern Lost and Found management enables your organization to introduce a fast and reliable system without having to waste money on expensive consultants. The goal should always be to relive your Lost and Found department and improve the customer experience. Implementing the software, adapting internal and external processes and the effort for participating departments should be minimal and the coordination channels short.

Lost and Found service doesn't only mean that you find many items. You must also consider the number of customers who believe to have lost something on your premises. They will contact you on a daily basis to inquire on their valuables. Of course, physically reuniting found items and their owners swiftly and effortlessly is also important to fulfill.

Goals of an optimized Lost and Found management and process are:

» Improve capacity
» Improve processes
» Improve data quality
» Improve service
» Improve communication
» Reduce company resources
» Reduce number of inquiries to be processed
» Reduce storage room
» Reduce mix-ups
» Reduce time and effort spent per found item
» Decrease cycle times
» Decrease costs

Advantages of an optimized cloud-based Lost and Found Service

Your current Lost and Found process seems manageable to you. So why introduce a new system?

What is true in other departments is also true for Lost and Found: A manual process may work, but even a partial automation will make processes easier and more efficient for all involved parties. Long introduction phases aren't necessary thanks to the standardized approach. A professional solution also reduces errors and increases customer satisfaction. So first and foremost, new Lost and Found Software must deliver a wide array of functions and still be just as easy and intuitive to use as a spreadsheet or list on paper. Especially the follow-up work (shipping process, securely charging fees, etc.) is much easier using modern methods implemented into full service Lost and Found Software.

Advantages of using a modern Lost and Found Software are:

» Reduce erroneous input (it is easier to exclude errors online. For example, writing "iPhone" wrong ("yphone") and comparing this erroneous input in an excel list with many entries can already decide over success and failure of a search)
Easier internal processes thanks to automated Smart Matching of found items and owners (via customer inquiries) increase the success rate
Automated logistics process to send items back to owners
Optimized service quality and customer satisfaction
Relieve staff thanks to reduced customer inquiry rate
Decreased storage time
Keyword search by employees
Lists for auctions or inventory are easily created, exported or imported
Central maintenance and operation by software developer
» Unique image recognition technology for the fastest registration of found items
» Customer service chatbots

Organizations can optimize their Lost and Found and achieve better results the longer the system is run. As always, these new processes are most successful when accepted and realized by all departments and teams work together. Therefore, it is important for your organization to clearly communicate the advantages for your staff and your customers.

„We were able to greatly reduce our costs and the time we need to spend on customers inquiries, which means we can now concentrate a lot more on our actual core business."

Fast and easy integration

The Lost and Found Manager — a decisive advantage for your company or agency

„The Lost and Found Manager payed off really fast. The solution has already helped us to optimize our lost and found department. "

The Lost and Found Manager saves two very important resources to your organization right away: time and human resources. Integration is very simple and you are able to concentrate on your core business!