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Subscribe for Notifications

Admin User Profile 117 Views

Subscribing to these notifications will inform you of developments or new activities within the Lost and Found Software.

Note: If your organization has a great deal of found items, you should focus your subscriptions to keep popups to a minimum.


Possible Subscriptions

New Inquiries
Notifications about new customer inquiries submitted by customers. One popup appears per customer inquiry.

New Matches
Displays new matches between found items and search inquiries. One popup appears per match.

Found items that have exceeded their storage period are moved to resubmission. One popup appears per resubmission.

Handling Gateway News
Changes to Handling Gateway orders are shown in the Software. One popup appears per change.

New Email / Chat Messages
Notifications about new messages from customers. One popup appears per new message.

E-Mail Errors
You can subscribe to these notifications to help your customer by correcting email addresses that could not be delivered.


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