
Check predefined Categories in the Category Management
With the Category Management, individual main categories and sub-categories can be set up and existing categories can be deleted. Standard images can also be added.

Left navigation menu:
Settings  Category Management

Set Up Storage Places
Create storage location of found items here to keep track of them.

Left navigation menu:
Settings  Company Settings - Dynamic Content and Templates - Place of Storage

Set Up Found at / in
Create the preferred places for found or lost items.

Left navigation menu:
Settings  Company Settings - Dynamic Content and Templates - Found Place

Import old/existing data into your new account
The following process ensures the smooth go-live of the new lost and found system:

#1 To import your old/existing data into your new account, upload the export file* here:
#2 We will send you a suggestion on how to map your old categories to new ones once we've received your old/existing data.
#3 After confirmation, we import your data and you can verify the content.
#4 On the day we go live, we repeat steps 1 and 3 so you can start using the software and no data is lost.

*Data Format:
Text-only (tab delimited), Comma-separated values (CSV), Extensible Markup Language (XML), SQL tables and relations

Setting Up User Roles
The authorization for central functions and specific objects within each role can be set in the User Roles. When accessing an object, the authorization system verifies which settings for the role are set in the object authorization.

Left navigation menu:
Settings  Company Settings - General Settings - User Role

Creating Users and assigning User Roles
Left navigation menu:
Settings  User Management

Create Chat Communication Template
The integrated chat system enables swift communication when found items and owners are matched - without having to switch to email, telephone or letters. In this menu, templates for the chat can be set up or edited.

Left navigation menu:
Settings  Company Settings - Dynamic Content and Templates - Communication Templates

Update Email Templates
Left navigation menu:
Settings  Email Templates

Create Documents
The document management system generates individual documents for finders or owners. For example, you can generate the confirmation for found items in your corporate design.

Left navigation menu:
Settings  Company Settings - Dynamic Content and Templates - Documents

Set Up Handling Gateway

Check Equipment (Printer, Webcam, Barcode Scanner, etc.)

Access Training Environment

Super User and User Training
Take Lost and Found Software Certification Exam

Go Live

Set Up Equipment (Printer, Webcam, Barcode Scanner, etc.)

Import Old/Existing Data into your New Account

Integrate or Link Inquiry Form

Deactivate Users in your old system / Activate Users in Lost and Found Software